Devlog log 1.0.2

Hey Everyone,
I hope you're doing well.
I wanted to talk about how each of us has various stories to tell, and how we all have our stories going on and we all are playing a part in each other's stories as well.
Whenever I see an RPG game, i always wander whats the story of each of the characters there. Whats their motive behind doing their jobs, what are their aspirations. How are the NPC related to each other ?
So while creating the Game Detective Frizbee, I had multiple story ideas in my head. a. About a guy who has to pay his bills to show to his family he can be responsible too. b. about an elderly community and they show it to every one that how crucial elderly's are for the society. c. a story about how a community unites together to fight off capatalism. oh and this one's my favorite: d. a woman surviving a post apocalyptic world and forging a whole town.
But all the stories cannot be brought all together. So I have decided to give one of my story a revival.
I am pleased to mention that i have been writing a short story about Grifler's Town and the first chapter is yours for the reading.
You can check it out here at :
Do read and let me know, what are your thoughts.
Get Griflers Town: A Book
Griflers Town: A Book
Griflers Town: Story of a Community That teaches Love Triumphs All the Wars
Status | In development |
Category | Book |
Author | Super Dam |
Tags | books, cozytownstories, englishstories, novel, story, wattpad |
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